The Aarhus Institute for Emancipatory Science @ Captive Portal

Open @ Fredericagade 12B, Copenhagen on 7, 8, 14 & 15 of January, 10-14 o'clock

Preliminary results are published on online Google Docs for peer review. This will happen every day at 1 pm from 03-13 January.

Click here to go to the report

During the last weekend, a report can be purchased for 50,- in booklet format.

At Captive Portal, we are happy to welcome the first visitors to Captive Portal's new space in January: the Aarhus Institute for Emancipatory Science. They are a group of fellow travellers in overambition, working in the territories between the rigorous knowledge production of academia and the open-mindedness of art. We recognise in them colleagues who, like ourselves, investigate what artistic potential the misuse of institutional legitimacy and appropriation of scientific authority might hold. The Aarhus Institute for Emancipatory Science seems to look to the marginal and out-of-fashion to find alternatives to what exists presently, as well as inspiration to imagine what might yet come to be. Just as captive Portal seeks to investigate the potential of the marginal and low budget and think about how one might, based on the grassroots traditions of DIY and cottage industries, form alternatives to the so-called professionalisation and de-skilling of the art world.

As a pseudo-institution, we at Captive Portal have offered the use of our space to the Aarhus Institute for Emancipatory Science free of charge for a fortnight. without being able to offer any further help, resources or financing. But also without requiring any specific format or outcome of their stay, apart from the fact that it should be open to the public for at least 2 days and not irritate the neighbours or destroy the space.

Captive Portal is a deliberately “thin”, or minimal, institutional structure that does not provide many of the services that are otherwise expected of contemporary art spaces. It does not keep regular opening hours, write hyperbolic press releases, it offers no funding and provides little or no practical help. What It does provide is a relatively unregulated space for activities that can't find space elsewhere. A space that places as few demands and constraints as possible on its users. Free as it is of the demands of visitor numbers or didactics that plague much of the art world, this is a place for narrow-band, low-visitor experiments that happen with little or no funding.

During the first two weekends of 2023, three research stations from the Aarhus Institute for Emancipatory Science's "Voluminous Laboratory" will be set up at Fredericagade 12b. The laboratory deals with the study of "book masses", cf. the root of the Latin "volume" in "scroll", and covers, among other things, the institute's focus on the field of practical cellulose research. The rest of this text has been left up to the Aarhus Institute for Emancipatory Science to write.

Computer Translated version below

Tre nye stationer fra Institut for Emancipationsvidenskabs voluminøse laboratorium udsendes til Captive Portal

Fysiske åbningstider: Weekenderne 07/08 januar + 14/15 januar, kl. 10-14.

Online: På Google Docs offentliggøres foreløbige resultater til peer review. Dette sker hver dag kl. 13:00 fra d. 03-13 januar. I den sidste weekend kan en rapport erhverves for 50,- i hæftet format.


På Captive Portal i år 2023’s to første weekender opsættes tre forskningsstationer fra aarhusianske Institut for Emancipationsvidenskabs “Voluminøse Laboratorium”. Labaratoriet beskæftiger sig med studiet af “bogmasser”, jf. roden af det latinske “volumen” i “skriftrullen”, og dækker bl.a. instituttets fokus på at styrke feltet for praktisk celluloseforskning.

Temaet for undersøgelserne vil være bibliomaniens materialitet og kosmologi. I forlængelse af Dr. Rieges ungdomsforsøg indenfor vitalistisk fylogenetik udføres der eksperimenter i pulp for at identificere vibratoriske anslag og bioniske potentialer på tværs af de tre forskningsstationers respektive undersøgelsesområder. Det forventes, at nye krydsreferencer, perspektivforskydninger og synteser ligeledes opstår i mødet med den fremmødte studentermasse.

Hver forskningsstation har en permanent opgave, der består i at undersøge 1) Bibliotek Rhodos (studenteroprørets legendariske bogserie), 2) Marcel Prousts À la recherche du père tendu (verdens længste roman), og 3) Martin Larsens Monogrammer (liste over tænkelige danske navne kombineret ud fra kirkeregisteret). Stationernes nuværende projekter er hhv.: 1) AUTORHODICA, 2) CORRUPT MALES og 3) LARSCHIVE.



Baggrund: Bogserie fra 1970’erne i ensartet format, med mange farver og marxistisk samt psykoanalytisk indhold.

Hypotese: At der er en forbindelse mellem bøgerne og den græske ferieø Rhodos.

Foreløbigt resultat: To 13-binds udgaver på dansk af På sporet af den tabte tid i Professor Slurks oversættelse (se s. 15-16):

Forventet produktion: En appendixudgivelse til bogserien ifbm. KP Spring i Kunsthal Aarhus, som tager udgangspunkt i et møde mellem Studenter-Madsen og Computer-Lars på Rhodos.


Baggrund: En 13-binds udgave på dansk af Marcel Prousts roman På sporet af den tabte tid.

Hypotese: At anagrammet “Corrupt Males”, som kan dannes af “Marcel Proust”, er meningsgivende for anagrammet “Computer Lars”, der ligeledes er afledt af “Marcel Proust”.

Foreløbige resultater: Forsknerisk kunstnings afhandling ved professor emerita Carol Stumper:

Forventet produktion: Performativt indslag i weekenderne.


Baggrund: Samlet sum af unikke danske navne begyndende med Lars som dechifreret fra Martin LARSens “Monogrammer”.

Hypotese: At en kulturel eksorcisme af den senpatriarkale generation (1950-‘85) bliver mulig ved at generere 44.100 syntetiske Lars’er, hvilket tilsvarer antallet af danske mænd, der hedder Lars.

Foreløbige resultater: 44.100 navne og 20.000 billeder.

Forventet produktion: 24.100 billeder og et punktum.

Three new stations from the Institute for Emancipation Science's voluminous laboratory are broadcast to Captive Portal

Physical opening hours: weekends 07/08 January + 14/15 January, 10am-2pm.

Online: preliminary results are published on Google Docs for peer review. This will happen every day at 1pm from 03-13 January.

During the last weekend, a report can be purchased for 50,- in booklet format.


At the Captive Portal in the first two weekends of 2023, three research stations from the Aarhus Institute for Emancipation Science's "Voluminous Laboratory" will be set up. The laboratory deals with the study of "book masses", cf. the root of the Latin "volume" in "scroll", and covers, among other things, the institute's focus on strengthening the field of practical cellulose research.

The theme of the research will be the materiality and cosmology of bibliomania. Following on from Dr Riege's youthful experiments in vital phylogenetics, experiments in pulp will be carried out to identify vibratory impacts and bionic potentials across the three research stations' respective fields of study. It is expected that new cross-references, perspective shifts and syntheses will also emerge in the encounter with the student crowd in attendance.

Each research station has a permanent task, which consists of investigating 1) Rhodes Library (the legendary book series of the student revolt), 2) Marcel Proust's À la recherche du père tendu (the world's longest novel), and 3) Martin Larsen's Monograms (a list of possible Danish names combined from the church register). The stations' current projects are respectively: 1) AUTORHODICA, 2) CORRUPT MALES and 3) LARSCHIVE.


Study object:

Background: book series from the 1970s in uniform format, with many colors and Marxist as well as psychoanalytic content.

Hypothesis: that there is a connection between the books and the Greek holiday island of Rhodes.

Preliminary result: two 13-volume editions in Danish of On the Trail of Lost Time in Professor Slurk's translation (see pp. 15-16):

Expected production: an appendix publication to the book series on the occasion of. KP Spring in Kunsthal Aarhus, based on a meeting between Student-Madsen and Computer-Lars in Rhodes.


Background: A 13-volume edition in Danish of Marcel Proust's novel On the Trail of Lost Time.

Hypothesis: that the anagram "Corrupt Males", which can be formed from "Marcel Proust", is meaningful for the anagram "Computer Lars", which is also derived from "Marcel Proust".

Preliminary results: research paper by Professor Emerita Carol Stumper:

Expected production: performative feature on weekends.


Background: Total sum of unique Danish names starting with Lars as deciphered from Martin Larsen's "Monograms".

Hypothesis: That a cultural exorcism of the late patriarchal generation (1950-'85) becomes possible by generating 44,100 synthetic Lars's, which equals the number of Danish men named Lars.

Preliminary results: 44,100 names and 20,000 images.

Expected output: 24,100 images and one dot.

Translated with (free version)

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